Vegan Myths Debunked

Vegans can have a bad rap. There are many myths surrounding vegans and the vegan lifestyle that portray vegans in a negative light. This is because a meat-based diet is the social norm and many people have little or no understanding of the vegan lifestyle. Here is the truth behind some common myths about the vegan lifestyle.

Vegans Don’t Eat Enough Protein

One of the biggest myths surrounding the vegan lifestyle is that they don’t eat enough protein. This is not true. The meat industry has promoted the idea that you need to eat meat to get enough protein however it is easy to have a high protein diet while vegan.

A diet containing pulses and beans such as chickpeas, lentils or baked beans are a good source of protein as well as being low in fat and affordable. Many vegetables also contain surprisingly high levels of protein. Favourites such as sweetcorn, broccoli and cauliflower contain high levels of protein and will ensure you are getting enough protein on a vegan diet.

Vegan Food Is Boring

Vegan food can be boring and have little taste but so can meat products. In the last few years, the vegan lifestyle has become more popular. As a result, many companies have invested in vegan products. This has led to an increase in the variety and quality of vegan products. This means that the stereotype of vegans just eating salad is long out of date.

Nowadays some vegan food is indistinguishable from meat-based products. Whatever your favourite meat-based meal, there is a vegan equivalent that is just as tasty.

Vegans Are Preachy

Vegans have got a reputation for being very preachy and judgemental. However, this is not an accurate description of vegans as a whole. You do get some vegan which are preachy and try to promote the vegan lifestyle however you get these kinds of people from all walks of life and with all beliefs.

Although most vegans are willing to talk about their choices, it is often the meat-eaters who make it an issue. If a cake is brought out at a party, no one thinks twice about the person who turns it down because they don’t like it or are on a diet. However, if someone turns down cake because it is not vegan, they will often get questioned about their beliefs.

A Vegan Lifestyle Is Expensive

It used to be the case that there was very little variety in vegan options and so prices could be higher. However, as the concept has become more popular, more companies are releasing vegan products. This means more variety and prices have done down.

Some products are still more expensive than animal-based alternatives. Milk alternatives are still relatively new to the market and as a result, are more expensive but with time should hopefully become cheaper.

Many favourite meals can be made vegan and for cheaper. For example, everyone loves Spaghetti Bolognese. To make it vegan you can replace the mince with vegan mince or use chickpeas. Both options are cheaper and healthier.

Eating Out Is Hard For Vegans

The fact that you can’t eat out at a restaurant if you are vegan couldn’t be more wrong. These days there are restaurants dedicated to vegan cuisine. But if you wanted to get something to eat with meat-eaters, most restaurants have many vegan options.

Even If you choose to go to a fast-food restaurant such as MacDonald’s or Subway, there is still a variety of vegan options.

Myths About Being A Vegan

There are many myths about vegans and the vegan lifestyle. Veganism is something that has been around for thousands of years but has only recently gained momentum and popularity. therefore, there is a lot of misinformation around. Hopefully the more information available, the more people will understand what being a vegan is about.