Ways to Help a Person Suffering from Depression

So many people suffer in silence from depression or any other mental health problem. And they do not like asking for help because they see themselves as a failure. They don’t want people to think of them as weak or unable to cope. Because whether we like it or not, there is still a stigma about mental health. So we wanted to share some ideas on how to help a person suffering from depression. You can be the difference between someone having a good day or a bad day.

Hopefully, these ideas and tips will help you support your friends or family member. Especially as they struggle from day to day with their mental health.

Offer Them Some Company

If you notice someone is a bit down or struggling with their days. Then you need to be there for them to support them. It might be to lend an ear to listen. Or it might be to make sure they get out of bed and go out with you for a coffee or lunch. Offering to take them shopping, might seem a small thing to do. But it means the world to the person who is struggling.

When you are there for them, try not to get angry that they don’t want to get out of bed. Try not to criticise that they haven’t washed or bathed for 2 days. You do need to help them face reality, but you also need to be a sympathetic ear and understand why they feel like this.

Help Them Get Medical Help

When someone suffers from depression or another way with their mental health, they will be in denial. They won’t want to admit that there is a problem because they see it as weak. But the truth of the matter is that they are in fact strong. They are facing their demons and ready to fight. Unfortunately, until they are ready to fight, you cannot help them.

Offer to help them with the doctor, go to the appointment with them. Explain to the doctor how your friend is feeling. The words won’t come out of their mouth, because they are scared. So you need to be their voice. You need to speak for them. If the doctor prescribes medication, help them through the first few days. It will take a while before the medication kicks in.

Try To Understand They Are Not Pushing You Away

All though it looks like they are pushing you away, they are not. When someone feels like they are losing a battle with depression, they push the people closest to them away. This is to protect them from being dragged down with them. You will also find that they take it out on you. This is because deep down they know that as much as you hurt them, you will still be there to support them when they need it.

Just keep checking in with them. Drop them a message, saying that you love them and you know they are going through a bad patch. But you love them and you are there when they are ready. Tomorrow they might phone back and be laughing as if nothing happened. This is totally normal behaviour for mental health sufferers.

Motivate Your Friend

When your friend or family member is having a rough time with their mental health, they need motivation. Obviously, they struggle to do this on their own. So this is where you can help them from badly suffering from depression. Get them to go out with you, just like the section above where you give your friend company. But you might need to motivate them more. They will come up with all excuses not to go out. They will say they have a headache, Covid symptoms, or have no money.

But offering to go and collect your friend from their house, means that they cannot say no. It also makes them realise that you really do want them to go out with them.

Maybe they need help and motivation to go to their therapy sessions. offer them a lift and a shoulder to cry on afterwards. Therapy is very emotional and takes a lot out of you. Afterwards, they will need space, so they won’t want to talk. It tires them out and their head is full of things that they discussed in their session. Try not to let this get them down and shut themselves away.

Helping Your Friend Suffering from Depression

If you have suffered from depression before, you will know that even a smile from someone will make your day. So be that person that smiles at your friend with depression. A smile that means you are still there for them. Pop round for a coffee, even if you have your own things going on. They really will appreciate it.